Tim Onnen
Tim grew up in a farm community in southern Nebraska. After high School he received a degree in building construction and worked in that field for a couple years until being recruited to travel and serve with Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ, an LCMS youth evangelism ministry.
In 1984 he received a degree in Lay Ministry from Concordia University Wisconsin, and returned to serve on staff with the Ongoing Ambassadors as “Assistant to the Executive Director”. While on their staff the family lived in Winfield, Kansas; Athens, Illinois; and Winter Park, Colorado. In 1999, Tim was called to Faith Lutheran Church, Branson, Missouri, as “Director of Youth and Evangelism”. In 2012 his call was altered to “Mission Expansion Minister” with the focus of reaching out to specific Branson neighborhoods, seeking to share the Gospel with new, unchurched families.
In the fall of 2021, Tim accepted a call to become Director of Church Ministries here at Christ Lutheran, Montrose, Colorado. He was installed for this ministry in February, 2022, with the understanding that he would enter Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in the Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) program, which provides online and occasional on-campus classes while serving a congregation as a vicar, with ordination possible after 2 years. Tim began this program in August, 2022, was ordained on January 19, 2025, and will complete classes in July 2026.
Tim met his wife, Kim, through Ongoing Ambassadors. They were married in 1983 and have four children – Katie (now married to Matt Wilson with two children: Elianna and Gabriel), Stephen, Jacob and T.J. Stephen passed away suddenly in 2010, so they know the pain of an untimely death but also the comfort of God’s sure promises in Jesus. As a family they enjoy the great outdoors and just being and working together. Tim’s hobbies include woodworking, hiking, biking, guitar, and family adventures.
In January, 2022, Tim began directing our ministries at Christ Lutheran. He is also receiving pastoral education through Concordia Seminary, St Louis, with ordination expected in 2024. His hobbies include woodworking, hiking, biking, guitar, and family adventures.
One of Tim’s favorite Bible verses: “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” – Jesus (Matthew 11:28-29)
Lowell Kindschy
Interim Pastoral Mentor
A 43 year (and counting) pastor (graduate of Concordia Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN 1978), Rev. Kindschy served in four congregations in two countries, two missions, and helped ministry in two vacancies. He influenced several to enter into professional church work, and is presently mentoring two pastors in training. Before retirement, he served on the presidium of the Pacific Southwest District of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
PK (as he has been known all his life; First, as a ‘pastor’s kid’ and now, ‘Pastor Kindschy’) was born in Denver, Colorado. He married Susan Rucks in 1972. They raised five children, and are happy to be grandparents of twelve. They love to see new things, traveling or on “Discovery Channel.”
Lowell dabbles in fixing and repairing things as well as occasional building in his shop. He also enjoys music, worship planning, theology and how computer technology enhances the pursuit of all these things. He firmly roots his evangelistic calling in the parable of the prodigals (Luke 15) — as wayward children God welcomes us ALL home.